Women Test High Value Men Harder

In the realm of high-value men, whether they are professional athletes or well-known businessmen, the tests from women only intensify. These men are at the pinnacle of success, fully aware of their status. The women they date are equally aware, able to verify their accomplishments through Wikipedia or watch their performances on YouTube. 

Yet, despite their undeniable success, these men encounter the same challenges as any other—they face women who pull away, not due to a lack of attraction, but because they are testing them even harder to ensure their strength and confidence are genuine.

The truth is, the higher a man’s value, the tougher the tests he will face from women. These successful men may have their business and athletic careers running on autopilot, but when they shift their focus entirely to the woman—giving her excessive attention and validation—that’s when she begins to pull away. In her mind, she’s questioning, “If this man is supposed to be strong, confident, and successful, why is he chasing me and giving me so much attention?”

For a woman with a high-value man, the challenge of winning him over is crucial. If he begins to chase her, she will likely question his value, suspecting he may not have the options or confidence she initially believed, even if this is not true.

Therefore, it’s important for him not to panic and to allow her to come to him. This is essential because she needs to make the effort to respect and appreciate him. Even though she knows he is confident and successful, she will still test him harder to confirm that his confidence and strength are authentic. It’s vital that he demonstrates he is not overly invested in her and doesn’t need her too much. This will create the space necessary for her to begin chasing him.