Why Women Don’t Message Men They Really Like

David and Sarah had gone on a couple of dates, everything seemed to be clicking. Sarah was the one who initiated most of the contact at first, showing strong interest. But after the second date, she started to pull back. Her texts became less frequent, her replies were short, and she started acting distant.

Staying Calm Instead of Panicking

Naturally, David was confused. He thought things had been going well and didn’t understand why she was suddenly acting cold. Then, after about a week of silence, Sarah suddenly reappeared. She texted David, and when they met up again, her attitude had completely changed. She was excited to see him, telling him how happy she was to reconnect and even confessing that she wasn’t sure if she’d ever hear from him again after she pulled back. In her mind, when she created that distance, David would chase her, or panic, or show some sign that he couldn’t handle the silence. But David didn’t do any of that. He stayed cool, composed, and let her come to him on her own terms.

Women Test to Avoid Seeming Too Eager

The funny part is Sarah admitted she had been thinking about him the whole time during that week. The pullback wasn’t because she lost interest; it was because she was fighting her own emotions. She was testing him, seeing if he would crack under the pressure. When a woman really likes you, sometimes she pulls back because she doesn’t want to show her cards too early. She doesn’t want to come across as too available or too eager. It’s a defense mechanism, one that women share with each other. They tell each other, “Don’t be too easy. Be a challenge.”

The Power of Passing Her Test

Sarah was playing that exact game, not realizing that David had already learned how to win. He passed her test with flying colors by doing exactly what I talk about—pulling back when she pulled back. By the time they reconnected, her emotions had completely taken over. She told him how much she had been thinking about him, how worried she was that she’d pushed him away for good, and how relieved she was when he finally reappeared in her life.

Why Chasing Only Hurts Your Chances

If David had panicked, if he had chased after her the moment she went silent, the whole situation would have played out differently. She would have lost respect for him, and her attraction would have faded. But by staying calm, giving her the space she needed, and letting her emotions guide her back to him, David not only kept the attraction alive—he made it stronger.

How to Handle Pullbacks and Build Lasting Attraction

This is how attraction works. Women will pull back sometimes. It’s not always a sign they’ve lost interest. Often, it’s the opposite. They’re testing you, making sure you won’t crumble under pressure. And when you stay strong, when you let them come to you, the attraction grows even more.

If you want to learn how to handle these situations and build lasting attraction, get a copy of my Get Her Back Action Plan. It has a 96 percent recovery rate and has helped thousands of guys just like David. You can pick it up by clicking the link below, and if you need personalized advice, I offer phone and email consultations through developattraction.com.